
"Espiritu Santo es parte de ti"

Meet The Campaign Team

We have a great team with some of the best underwater photographers and filmmakers documenting our campaign. We have seen positive results both in the water and through the support of the citizens of La Paz.

Lucia Corral

A marine biologist with 10 years of experience following her vocation: initiating citizen participation in bringing about positive changes. She has worked on diverse projects of communication for nonprofit organizations in La Paz. She worked for the natural History Society Niparaja AC for the campaign "Balandra is Ours" a successful project in which the people were mobilized to demand protection of their natural resources through the creation of a protected natural area.

Leonardo Gonzalez

Has a Bachelors Degree in Alternative Tourism and is an underwater photographer by vocation. Combines his two passions and abilities to capture the beauty of the underwater world and bring it to the surface in the form of photographs and video. He has an extensive collection of images of nature, which he uses to create awareness about the conservation of these primordial wonders for the life and well-being of the planet.

Elena Zavala

Has a Bachelors Degree in marketing, graduated from the University of Guadalajara. With 13 years of experience in communications and public relations, she has been specializing for five years in management and advisory issues of social networks and digital marketing.

Paola Ruffo

An architect, graduated from the Technological Institute of Advanced Education in Monterrey and qualified as a professional diver at the Institute of Technology for the Sea. For the last 12 years she has been advisor to the Natural History Society Niparaja AC. her passion for the sea and design have led her to work for other organizations dedicated to conservation, designing graphic materials of communication and participating in citizen campaigns.

Estrella Zavala

Model and marine biologist, graduated from the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur, specializes in shark biology and ecology, is a world runner-up in free-diving. Has accumulated 24 national records and is the first Latin American woman to win a medal for free-diving without fins. She is involved in media work to promote marine conservation, including television and documentary collaboration with BBC television and the Travel Channel.

Bill Marlett

An expert in land and water conservation projects. For more than 40 years he has worked in the management of community organizations and campaigns, as well as coalitions for the conservation of lands and rivers. During the last eight years he has worked as a consultant and counselor for several individuals and organizations dedicated to conservation in Baja California Sur.

"Espiritu Santo es parte de ti"

Building Public Pride

What's New at SeaWatch

SeaWatch Annual Holiday Raffle

This year's annual holiday raffle in support of our SeaWatch projects featured this beautiful, limited edition bronze sculpture, called Making Waves, donated by Scott Hanson.

This is one of Scott's most popular sculptures and and sold in major galleries for $7200.00.

SeaWatch Year End Raffle

The lucky winner is Gordon Harris! Scott Hanson donated his popular “Winter Song” sculpture to SeaWatch for our year-end raffle. This beautiful sculpture was raffled in January. We thank you for your support of the raffle and look forward to your support and the success of future raffles. Money raised helped SeaWatch fund the organizations vital to the recovery of the Sea of Cortez. Watch the video of Scott Hanson here...

Espiritu Santo es parte de ti
Featured in Conservation Watch Magazine

Conservation Watch Magazine Is published by the Garden Club of America's conservation committee members. It's a quarterly online newsletter featuring conservation and environmental news. SeaWatch is proud of the campaign we originated and support Espiritu Santo es parte de ti (Espiritu Santo is part of you) and their feature article in this magazine. Read the article...

Gillnetting Protected Mobula Rays
See This Recent Video and Act Today

The Mobula Rays are a joy to watch as these expert acrobats jump, twirl and belly flop through the sea. The Sea of Cortez is the world's premium destination for viewing the largest schools in the world, sometimes exceeding 10,000 individuals. They are seasonal visitors and visit Baja in May-July and November - January. These rays are protected by Mexican Law Read More...

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How You Can Help Save the Sea of Cortez

Consume Responsibly

Abstain from eating all fish that protect the health of the reefs including parrotfish and surgeon fish

Report Illegal Activities

Be our "Eyes on the Water" take photos, record positions, and send reports to the authorities


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